Frozen Turkey Cocktail by Fireplace

A Frozen Turkey For Dessert!

I am so excited for my family to arrive on Thanksgiving!  It is one of my favorite holidays.  Actually, it is my favorite holiday.  For the last 18 years we have hosted almost every Thanksgiving at our house.  It is fun to get together and just relax and relish the time together.  We always enjoy some of our staples such as our favorite mushroom gravy or my mom’s pecan pie!  However, my family likes to try new things and add to the goodness.  This year I am going to make this yummy dessert, The Frozen Turkey.

It is such a cute name and its base is butter pecan ice cream.  I mean, how can you go wrong with butter pecan ice cream?  It is rich and creamy and I love the caramel sauce that goes with it.  So delicious!   I use my grandma’s champagne coupe glasses from her wedding set.  I love using these glasses so in a small way she’s with us during the holidays and I hope my kids carry on the tradition. If you’d like a start your own traditions with some you can find them online at Amazon.   I think they are great for all kinds of desserts or drinks.  They are very versatile and really pretty.

I think this Frozen Turkey dessert is good for any winter gathering especially for the holidays.  I hope you get a chance to make this at your Thanksgiving!   I also wish you all a safe and healthy holiday. I’m going to savor the time and count my blessings while I enjoy our family traditions. I’d love to hear about your favorite holiday traditions!

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The Frozen Turkey Dessert Cocktail


  • 1 pint Butter Pecan Ice Cream
  • 1 ounce Wild Turkey 101 Bourbon
  • 1 ounce Amaretto
  • 1/2 cup Dark Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Cream
  • 4 tablespoon Unsalted Butter
  • 1 pinch Salt


  1. Make the caramel sauce by mixing the sugar, cream, butter and salt in a saucepan and heating to a simmer.  Cook for 5 minutes, then pour into a jar and let cool.  If the sauce thickens too much after cooling, microwave it for a few seconds.

  2. For the cocktail, blend the ice cream, The Wild Turkey Bourbon and the Amaretto in a blender until smooth.  Serve in fancy glasses garnished with a drizzle of the sauce.
  3. If you'd like to make this ahead, put the whole blender back in the freezer after blending and then give it a quick re-blend right before serving.

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  • Reply Carol VanKirk November 20, 2017 at 4:54 pm

    5 stars
    the recipe sounds absolutely delicious! And I love that you’re using your grandma’s glasses! Enjoy!

    • Reply aotech November 20, 2017 at 7:43 pm

      Thanks Mom! It is rich but really tasty!

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