Illustrator Meeting

Personalized Water Color Illustrations By Patty Sweeney

Last year I received the coolest greeting cards from a friend of mine.  It was an illustration in watercolor of her and her business.  It was more than a personalized card, it was a piece of art!  I had to ask where she got it and who made them.   Patty Sweeney was the artist and I needed to reach out to her because I wanted something a little different this year.  You can find her Etsy shop here.

I called Patty and we started discussing the possibility of getting an illustration from her.  I ended up booking some artwork from her.  She made it so easy and convenient.  I told her what I was thinking I wanted the card to look like.  I sent Patty text messages with pictures of me and the clothes I wanted for the illustration.  I even went on Nordstrom’s website and took pictures of clothing I wanted to wear in the picture.  I set up an appointment to pick up and see the final product.

Watercolor Illustration

While I was there Patty and I chatted about her background.  She shared her journey of being able to follow her passion and monetize it.  She was able to attend Parson’s School of Design and MSU.  She lived in NYC for awhile and then started her career at Jacobson’s Department Store.  She did the painting and illustrations on the windows and dressed the mannequins.  It sounded like so much fun!  I would love to have that kind of talent!  She then got into fine art.  She always felt that she “had to do something she loved”.  She said she loves to challenge herself and I felt a kindred spirit because I do too.  She also said something that stuck with me.  She said she prays all the time and asks that God uses her talent to bring joy to others.  I think all of us want to do the same thing, make a difference in whatever it is we are called to do.  I have to say, I just loved our visit and I have joy when I look at the beautiful illustration she did for me.  I am using the first one for my business and I am in the process of working with her on a second project which is my family greeting cards!  Can’t wait!  I would highly recommend using her and not just for greeting cards but you could use her for a variety of things that can be personalized such as invitations to a wedding or a baby shower.  I believe her work is a fantastic gift and one of a kind!

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  • Reply Carol VanKirk September 7, 2017 at 11:39 am

    I really love this idea with Patty Sweeney! Living in Nashville I’ve become more aware of talented people and how passionately they use their talents. It’s inspiring. And it does bring joy to others. Thanks for the great post!

    • Reply Jocelyn Hagerman September 7, 2017 at 1:14 pm

      Thank you! She is able to do work over the phone like I did. she is really good!

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