Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Healthy Living

De-Stress During The Holidays

It is that crazy time of year!  The questions remains… “How am I going to get it all done and not get so frazzled?”  I have learned especially in the last few years to let some things go.  I also need to do the best I can do and that is all I can do!  When it comes to the holidays we put some much extra stress on ourselves we forget to really enjoy the season.  I am a big fan of taking care of thy self and I am including a few tips on how you can be intentional in your day or week to make sure you enjoy the rest of the season.  First, you have to decide what is really important to you on your list of expectations.  And next… well let me share some of the things that help me de-stress.

1.) Take time to go for a walk without your phone.  Yes, you can leave it at home.  I love just going for a stroll and having my thoughts to myself.  It really helps me prioritize and reboot.  I value this so much.

2.) Take a long bath!  There is nothing that calms our bodies more physically than a hot bath.  Pair this with some of your favorite music and don’t forget the bubble bath! One of my favorite scents this holiday season is Snow Angel by Philosophy. I also just bought this awesome bath caddie so some my favorite things are at my fingertips.

3.) A daily devotional.  I love the book Jesus Calling.  It is short and sweet but to the point.  It centers me and helps me stay focused.  I can remind myself that a lot of the stuff we are trying to do and be a part of we can eliminate and still be happy!  Wow, what a revolutionary thought.  I often ask myself the question, does this bring me joy?  If I didn’t do this would it change my world?  The daily devotional reminds me of what’s the big picture and not to get wrapped up in some of the silly expectations we hold ourselves to.

4.) Go outside and play!  Yes, I said play!  As adults with a ton of responsibilities we sure don’t let our hair down much.  The other day it was snowing and I decided I was going to get myself bundled up and make some snow angels.  As silly as that sounds I had a great time!  It made me laugh and helped me de-stress!  Maybe if you’re in an area where you don’t have snow go outside and play Frisbee for ten minutes or even fly a kite!  There is something to be said for that…there is nothing you have to think about but keeping it off the ground.

Again, make sure to remember what the holiday season is for and bring all of your personal expectations down a notch, rest up, watch a movie, take some time for you alone!  I know I am a more cheerful person if I pause throughout the week when the stress gets too overwhelming.  Sometimes you have to just let things go!  I hope this encourages you and you are able to take a deep breath and smell the roses… or should I say, Christmas cookies?

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