ocean waves

What’s The Hustle Really For?

People often reply when you ask them how they are doing,” I’m good but busy!”  How many times do we hear and say that in a day?  The last 6 years have been a whirlwind for me to try and find balance in my life. Looking back there were so many things that I “did” but they didn’t return any personal fulfillment.  I like to help others, not miss out on events and enjoy being involved in my community.  However, I was saying yes to too many things.  I thought the more “doing” I did would equal happiness.  I began to have an unfounded sense of obligation to do many things.  Saying yes to the things that deep down I didn’t enjoy.

I thought I was adding balance to my life but really, I was chasing after the approval of others.  I remember asking myself, “Who am I doing this for?  Why?  I am miserable, I don’t even know what I like anymore.”  Life was exhausting, I felt like I was not being authentic to myself.  I was confused.  Why was I unhappy?  I had everything that the world says is important health, family, my faith and resources.

I came to a state of exhaustion and shutting down.  Something needed to change, I needed to find balance in my life that worked for me.  I started to consciously be more aware of what I was saying yes to and that I needed to say no to a lot more things. By stepping back and saying no it allowed me peace and time to reflect and pray .  At first, I had this fear rise up that I was going to miss something.  Guess what?  I didn’t.  I had to set boundaries for myself and start protecting my time, allow more time to sit in quiet and reflect.  Listen to what God wanted me to do, even if it meant slowing down and doing less.  I realized that I can’t control everything…..I had to exhale.

Choosing to slow down has been life changing.  I haven’t figured it all out yet and I am still a work in progress but at least I now have the time to sit and listen and be at peace more than ever!  I am saying yes to the things that I love!

If you’re reading this maybe you can relate.  If so, I hope to give you the push that you may need to find balance in your life.  Say no to the things that don’t really matter to you and yes to the things that you enjoy and you’re here on this earth to do. I took the necessary steps to protect my time and because of this, the next time someone asks me how I am doing I am going to say, “I’m good and slow!”

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28

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  • Reply Judi murray November 1, 2017 at 3:00 pm

    As usual your blog today was inspiring.

    • Reply aotech November 1, 2017 at 8:51 pm

      Thank you Judy! I appreciate the feedback…I never know how things are received. Have a great evening.

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