I have alway been interested in healthy living and the benefits of exercise. I have been motivated since I was a child to stay as healthy as I could, I think it began out of fear of being sick. Over the years I have learned a lot from my personal trainer, Arline. She is a certified personal trainer and has a passion for exercise, healthy living & nutrition. 12 years ago I was ready to get serious about my training and this was the beginning of a great friendship with Arline. I am excited to share some things I’ve learned along the way.
One of things I’ve found to be a necessity is working my core muscles. In order for me to horseback ride, snow ski and be active, it is imperative to have a strong core. Unfortunately, even when in the best of shape, this is one of those “muscle groups” that tends to get over looked. For example I have a friend who runs all the time. She is in terrific shape however she was having other issues and the physical therapist related it to weak core muscles. I personally can’t stress enough the benefits of having a strong core. Some of these benefits include:
*Your range of motion will increase over time or stay the same and not regress.
*You can often put unnecessary pressure on your back if you are not actively working the abdomen muscles. By working these muscles you may experience less back pain.
*Exercising these muscles helps strengthen the deep internal muscles closest to the spine. This will inturn prevent potential injuries.
*It will help increase your balance.
*Slows down the aging process.
*Reduces wear and tear on the back.
I try to work my core muscles 4 times a week for less than ten minutes. It doesn’t take much to see results and they can be a game changer for so many of us.
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