Spa Naturelle
Healthy Living, Lifestyle

How to Find a Quality Salon

I enjoy having my nails, hair and other services done but sometimes it seems like a chore.  The older I get, the more time I spend at a salon.  I always say that I’m increasing in maintenance each year!!!  If I can have one stop shopping, I’m all for it!  I’m so happy I found Spa Naturelle.  There are five things I love about this salon and I believe they are important to consider when looking for a place to receive your services.  When a salon passes the test for quality in one area, I can be assured they will have the same standards across the board.

1.) What services do they offer?  If I am going to need attention in more than one area, it makes it easier on my schedule if I can book several services at the same time/location.

2.) Quality of products.  Cheryl Fons, the owner of Spa Naturelle, focuses on great quality natural products.  She uses Cindi Naturals for her nail products. They are made in Michigan and free from some toxic ingredients that can be found in other products.  5 products that are considered no-no’s in salon quality products are formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, toluene, camphor and dibutyl phthalate (DBP)!  It is shocking how toxic some of the salon products can be.  I think of sitting in a salon and the smells that I am inhaling and how toxic they can be.  The more I learn about pollutants and toxins the more I want to stay away from them. Ugh!

3.) Presentation and appearance of a salon are key.  At Spa Naturelle, I know when my feet are in the bowl for a pedicure, it is clean with no icky residual from other clients.  Cleanliness is another biggie for me.  My general rule of thumb, if the bathroom is dirty, the salon probably is too.

4.) Credibility. What is their reputation?  Is everyone certified?  I like that some salons display their certifications, then I know they are well trained, legal and maintain continuous education.  This way I know the employees take their career seriously.  I have been to places that are not on the up and up and it’s disappointing when you hear about people having services go wrong which can be detrimental.

5.)  Professionalism is appreciated.  Salon staff makes or breaks the atmosphere.  Cheryl makes it a priority to have a peaceful environment for clients to relax.  There’s nothing more uncomfortable than listening to employees argue on the phone or complain about another client, while you’re “stuck” in their chair.

I have to say, when I’m paying for services, I like being relaxed with no worries about the above list.  There are many great salons and I hope this list helps you stay away from the ones less appealing.  I know putting it on paper reminds me why I go to the salon I do.  I feel Spa Naturelle and Cheryl’s team do a great job and I always enjoy my time there.







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