Healthy Living

Gardening 101- 3 Simple Tips For Getting Started

My love for urban gardening did not develop over night, it was a gradual relationship.  I don’t know everything about gardening but I wanted to share a few things I’ve learned along the way, let’s call it, Gardening 101.

I love to cook and entertain so I thought it would be fun to start an herb garden, I also planted a set of tomatoes for good measure.  That year I had plenty of wonderful herbs and a very large leafy tomato plant but not a single tomato.  This is how I learned that soil matters in the success of your garden.

The Dirt:

Gardening 101 - The Dirt

Soil needs to be well drained, contain organic organisms, and have plenty of sun.  Testing and treating your soil will determine your success, it helps eliminate the guesswork and saves you time and money.  I recommend this soil test kit.

*The color of your soil is very telling, you want it to be dark brown, red or tan.

*If you buy bagged soil, make sure it is specifically for gardens and not fill dirt.  Take my word for it when I say fill dirt doesn’t end well.

*Leaves, grass clippings and barn animal manure are ideal for making your soil rich with organic organisms.

The Beds:

Gardening 101 - Raised Beds

I love raised garden beds because of their many benefits, here are a few of my favorites.

*I can choose the soil instead of having to treat the soil that is already there.

*There’s a better chance of keeping weeds and creepy crawlies out!

*My back and knees do not take a beating from bending or hunching over, which saves me money by avoiding the chiropractor and massage therapist!

The Gloves:

Gardening 101 - The Best Gloves

I have also found the best gloves from Williams Sonoma.

*They are sturdy and get better with time.

*My hands don’t sweat.

*They save my manicure because dirt doesn’t seep in.

You can find some of the benefits for you and your family in my Farm to Table post. Good luck with your green thumb as you implement some of my Gardening 101 tips and I look forward to sharing more about the gardening process and new recipes!

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  • Reply Janel June 14, 2017 at 9:07 pm

    You are just beautiful, Jocelyn! Loving your blog 🙂

    • Reply Jocelyn Hagerman June 15, 2017 at 10:08 am

      Thanks! Your so sweet! -Jocelyn

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